$1,400 annually
$1,700 annually
$2,700 annually
$5,200 annually
$5,700 annually
$6,800.00 annually
Learn more about tuition:
If a family has more than one full-time student, the oldest student rate will be the full tuition rate.
Full-time siblings will pay 2/3rds of their own grade-level tuition rate.
ACE Scholarships may be available each year, and stay with your child throughout his or her education. Apply HERE.
Veritas Academy may provide needs-based scholarships to those who are denied an ACE Scholarship. For an application, please contact the Board.
Tuition rates are evaluated annually and prayerfully determined by the Board. Veritas Academy relies on tuition to cover all operating costs and expenses including teacher salaries, school materials, curriculum, building costs, utilities, professional fees, etc.
For any questions regarding tuition rates, please contact the Board.